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Benda, Dedek, Gallagher, Girdharry, Lerner, & Noonan publish “Confronting Superdiversity in US Writing Programs” (2018)

Jon BendaMatt NoonanMichael DedekNeal LernerChris Gallagher, and Kristi Girdharry have published a chapter, “Confronting Superdiversity in US Writing Programs,” in The Internationalization of US Writing Programs edited by Shirley K. Rose and Irwin Weiser by Utah State University Press, 2018.
Here is a brief excerpt from their chapter:

When we think and talk about our students, or our campuses or programs, as “international(ized),” we say very little about them—and we may court dangerous generalizations and stereotypes. Our students increasingly exemplify what Vertovec (2007) has called “superdiversity,” characterized by an explosion of identity categories brought about by increased mobility in a globalizing world. Confronting superdiversity, we contend, will require us to move beyond broad descriptors like “international” in order to become better attuned to the diverse language, literacy, and cultural experiences, expectations, and practices of all of our students in this era of globalization.

Congratulations to Jon, Matt, Michael, Neal, Chris, and Kristi on this publication!