Minor in Japanese

ノースイースタン大学へよ うこそ (Welcome to Northeastern)!
Japanese is the language of manga, anime, Zen, and a literary tradition that includes The Tale of Genji, the haiku of Matsuo Basho, and the novels of Murakami Haruki.
By studying Japanese at Northeastern, you can enhance your personal knowledge of Japanese culture, fulfill the University language requirement, participate in the Dialogue of Civilizations: Japanese Language and Culture in the summer, experience co-op opportunities in Japan, study abroad for a semester in major universities in Tokyo, and pursue a minor in Japanese.
The Japanese language program offers language courses at all levels, including hybrid classes at the elementary level. Language courses enhance various aspects of Japan’s historical and cultural heritage. The program also offers extra-curricular activities for students, helping them experience Japanese culture first-hand, in activities such as a Japanese Movie Night and a Mochi New Year’s Party, as well as Japan-related events like talks and traditional theater performances.
Course Schedule
Please visit the Office of the Registrar’s website for a comprehensive list of current course offerings.
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Type of Program
- Undergraduate Minor