
As an urban university, service-learning is part of Northeastern’s ethical mission. But more than good works, service-learning at Northeastern is an academically rigorous experience.
Through partnerships with schools, neighborhood agencies, health clinics, and nonprofit organizations, the university embeds service into academic coursework. Students engage in hands-on service to address community needs, learning by applying course concepts to their experiences, and reflecting on those experiences back in the classroom.
A full list of Northeastern service-learning courses available by semester is available on the service-learning website. Many of the Dialogue of Civilizations faculty-led summer programs also integrate service-learning into their curricula.
Students also have valuable opportunities to broaden their knowledge, skills, and social awareness by volunteering in the community outside of their academic curriculum. The Northeastern Center of Community Service serves as a clearinghouse for service opportunities through its own programs and events, and partnerships with more than 225 community-based agencies and programs.