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Chris Gallagher Co-Authors Article on Writing Transfer and Integration with Doctoral Alumni

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a grid of headshots of Chris Gallagher, Kevin G. Smith, and Kristi Girdharry

“While transfer directs our attention to one context then another, integration invites us to consider how new knowledge and skills are created across broader expanses of time and space—sometimes even in the absence of identifiable transfer episodes.”

Chris Gallagher, Vice Chancellor for Global Learning Opportunities and Professor of English, has co-authored an article with doctoral alumni Kevin G. Smith (PhD ’18) and Kristi Girdharry (PhD ’16) entitled, “Writing Transfer, Integration, and the Need for the Long View” in the latest volume of College Composition and Communication. From the article abstract:

“Drawing on a five-year study of 20 student writers, this study advances a concept related to but distinct from writing transfer. Integration contextualizes and complicates transfer episodes and encourages us to take a long view of writing development. Like transfer, integration can be facilitated by connections and disconnections writers perceive between writing contexts.”

Read the full article on the National Council of Teachers of English website.

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