For the most up-to-date and comprehensive course information, including current offerings, course descriptions, meeting times, and classrooms, visit the Registrar’s website. For curriculum information, see the Academic Catalog.
Sections of ENGL 7976 Directed Study and ENGL 7990 Master’s Thesis are created upon successful petition. These are credit-bearing courses. See Banner Class Schedule for non-credit bearing course information (ENGL 8960, 8986, 9986, 9990, 9991, and 9996).
The first day of registration for continuing students is November 10 (see the Academic Calendar).
Students can check their time ticket for registration via the Student Hub (click here for instructions). For detailed instructions on how to create a plan for registration, join a waitlist, and drop a class, please see the Registrar’s website.
Core Requirement | Course | Instructor | Meeting Time |
Digital Humanities Certificate | INSH 7910 NULab Project SeminarFlanders | Flanders, Julia | T 12:50pm-2:30pm |
Literary Periods (Literature 1700-1900) | ENGL 7351 Topics in Literary Study | Altschuler, Sari | M 1:35pm-4:55pm |
Literary Periods (Literature Post-1900) / Digital Humanities Certificate | ENGL 7358 Topics in Lit & Other Dscplns | Evalyn, Lawrence | M 5:30pm-8:50pm |
Theories & Methods | ENGL 7351 Topics in Literary Study | Glassie, Alison | W 1:35pm-4:55pm |
Writing and Rhetoric | ENGL 7392 Writing & Teaching of Writing | Poe, Mya | R 5:30pm-8:55pm |
Writing and Rhetoric | ENGL 7395 Topics in Writing | Lerner, Neal | R 1:35pm-4:55pm |