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If you are in one of the department conference rooms (Barrs or 400B), please visit the Main Office for assistance.

If the Main Office is closed, or if you are in another classroom on campus, please contact the ITS Help Desk at (617) 373-4357.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please see the above question.

If you are experiencing issues with classroom layout, furniture, location, etc, please contact the Main Office at or (617) 373-4540 for further assistance. Please note that changing classrooms is not guaranteed due to limited space availability; we recommend contacting us as early as possible about any potential issues.

If you must be absent from your on-campus class meeting due to an emergency, please notify all students via email as soon as possible. Please also notify the Main Office by calling (617) 373-4540 or emailing

To determine the classroom in which your course will be held:

  1. Log into Banner (SSB) from the myNortheastern Services & Links page
  2. Click on the “Faculty” link
  3. Click on “Summary Class List”
  4. Select the academic term (*Note: If you select the wrong term, your class will not show up!)
  5. Select your course from the drop-down menu or enter the CRN directly
  6. Click the course title link
  7. Find your course section and you will see your classroom location under “Where” in the course details

You can view your classroom and the technology/equipment available within it by visiting

Please click here for our Campus Map.

A map of parking lot locations and hours, as well as parking pass information, can be found on the Commuting Services website.

Parking information and directions to all campus locations can be found on the university’s campus maps website.

Instructors can sign out a department master key from the Main Office during business hours.

Lost your key and need a replacement? Please stop by the Main Office.

If you are experiencing an emergency maintenance issue, please call Facilities Customer Service at (617) 373-2754.

For all other requests (such as furniture, cleaning, temperature, etc), please contact the Main Office at or (617) 373-4540.


Please click here for detailed instructions from the Registrar on faculty grade submission.

Please consult the Registrar’s academic calendar for grade submission deadlines.

Please consult the Incomplete Grades page of the Registrar website for policy information as well as the Incomplete Grade Contract.

Information on how to submit a change of grade can be found here on the Registrar’s website.


The Main Office has laptops (Apple and PC), laptop chargers, A/V adapters, cables, a bluetooth speaker, and more available for loan. Not sure what you need? Stop by during business hours for assistance.

Please stop by the Main Office to:

  • Receive your copier code
  • Add our network printers to your laptop for wireless printing (instructions are also posted in each departmental work room)
  • Submit a scan request for our work study students (please submit at least one week in advance)
  • Drop off empty ink cartridges for recycle
  • Notify office staff if a machine is not working or low on supplies

Please contact the Main Office at to determine your eligibility for a University-owned, department-purchased computer.


You may update your contact and other personal information by doing the following:

  1. Log in Banner (SSB) from the myNortheastern Services & Links page
  2. Select “Personal Information” under the Main Menu

Limited funds may be available. Please submit the Request for Classroom Activities Funding form and wait to be contacted by the Main Office.

Please submit the Updates to Faculty Profile Request. An English staff member will follow up with you typically within 2-3 business days when the updates have been made or if there are any questions about your request.

Writing Program faculty with questions about their teaching schedule (for ENGW classes) should contact Jennifer Lobisser for assistance.

Faculty with questions about their ENGL teaching schedule should contact the Undergraduate Program Director for questions about their undergraduate teaching and the Graduate Program Director for questions about their graduate teaching. Contact information can be found here.

Please direct students to the Main Office ( for further assistance. Please note that per departmental policy, we cannot overload any classes.