Looking for resources for research, homework, or independent study?

- Oxford Art Online – Asian Art – Contains, topical essays, artwork, and biographies of individual artists broken down into information by country.
- Asia Art Archives – collects primary and secondary materials surrounding recent art in Asia.
- Museum of Fine Arts – Art of Asia –The Museum of Fine Arts contains a large collection of Asian art, including the largest collection of Japanese art outside of Japan. Northeastern students receive free admission to the museum.
- Peabody Essex Museum – Asian Art Collections – Located in Salem, PEM has a large collection of art from East Asia. Highlights from their collections are avaliable to view online.
- Northeastern Kanopy – Asian Studies – Video streaming service, has many documentaries and eductional films, can be searched by subject.
- Northeastern Library Asian History Subject Guide – Northeastern University’s Asian history subject guide contrains references and links to archives for history on China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
- Chinatown Atlas – An interactive digital humanities project documenting the history and growth of Boston’s Chinatown over time.
- Boston’s Asian American Community History – Several collections, hosted by Northeastern Library Archives, includes digitized and non-digitized materials from community organizations such as the Chinese Progressive Association and Asian American Resource Workshop.
- Filipino Americans and the Farm Labor Movement – an instructional video and curricular materials from the California History-Social Science Project. Also contains more links to resources about Filipino Americans.
- South Asian American Digital Archive – Digital archive hosting, photographs, stories and histories of South Asian Americans. Search their collections or view their online projects.
Politics and Policy
- Asia Society – Asia Society Policy Institue and Center on US-China Relations. Provide information about policy, arts and culture, education, sustainability, business, and technology. Education, they also have events.
- Brookings Institute – Center for East Asia Policy Studies – Reports, news and policy papers about East Asia politics.
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – Asia Program – Discusses topics related to the environment, economics, and energy in Asia with a focus on policy.
- The National Bureau of Asian Research – compliles policy-relevant research on Asia with a U.S.-Asia relations focus.
- RAND – Center for Asia Pacific Policy (CAPP) – The RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy (CAPP) crafts multidisciplinary, analytic, and regional expertise reports on policy issues of the Asia Pacific.
Resources from other Academic Institutes
- Please keep in mind, with any resource guides from outside universities, there is the potential that access will be restricted to some sources
- Berkley Asian History Library Guide – Provides databases and academic portals for primary sources, sorted by region and subject matter.
- University of Wisconson – Madison Subject Guides for East Asia and South/Southeast Asia
- Princeton List of Digital Archives outside University – South Asia
Academic Journals
- For Academic Journals on Asia, search the Northeastern journal subscription catalog: Search the Catalog Here
Cultures, Societies and Global Studies Lending Library
- Check out CSGS’ small lending library of academic books on relevant topics from faculty and speakers located in 201 Renaissance Park.