The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in History

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is a broadly based liberal arts degree in history. Students who pursue the B.A. degree must satisfy general requirements and take courses from across the social sciences and humanities core curriculum, in addition to required and elective history courses.
These requirements help students develop their historical knowledge and skills within the contexts of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences that together comprise the disciplinary sources of historical knowledge. They enable historical understanding to be culturally and linguistically sensitive to the subjects of historical inquiry.
Visit the plan of study for more information.
Learning Outcomes:
The History Department has identified five learning outcomes we consider essential to our History majors at the undergraduate level.
1) Students will apply an array of historical methodologies and critical tools to construct evidence and/or data-based understandings of the past in order to provide historical dimension to present and future developments.
2) Students will clearly and competently communicate the results of historical research orally, digitally, and in writing.
3) Students will demonstrate a mastery over a particular region or theme.
4) Students will connect mastery over a regional or thematic focus to the larger global historical context.
5) Students will develop intersectional competencies focusing on how history and historical analysis have been shaped by inequality based on race, class, ethnicity, gender, and other forms of difference.
Type of Program
- Undergraduate Program