Gender and Development Initiative
The Gender and Development Initiative supports academic research, teaching, and policy dialogues to increase understanding of trends in the empowerment of women in the Global South and to facilitate collaboration between academics and policy-makers.
Mission and Vision
The Gender and Development Initiative has the following objectives:
- To link women’s health and their economic and political empowerment to (human) security and sustainable societies;
- To contribute to building core competencies in economic development/development studies at Northeastern.
- To create research and consulting partnerships with GAD specialists in international organizations and academia;
- To enhance the knowledge base and experiential learning of Northeastern University students.
Ultimately, we seek to create an institute at Northeastern for teaching and research on gender and development, including exploration of causes of gender inequality and pathways to women’s empowerment, with a focus on the Global South.
Professor Moghadam, a co-founder of the Gender and Development Initiative, has been involved as a Co-PI in an international collaborative project on Dynamics of Gender Inequality in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund of the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC/GCRF), Jan. 2017 – Sept. 2018. What follows are related files: a summary description of, and report on, the project and the institutional partners; a concept paper on Tunisia that Prof. Moghadam prepared for the June 2017 workshop; the programs for the June 2017 workshop in London, the December 2017 conference in Rabat, Morocco, and the May 2018 workshop in London; and a group photo. Students and faculty working on issues related to female labor force participation, inclusion, and empowerment in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia will find the project and documents of interest.
Gender and Development Initiative Contact:
Professor Valentine Moghadam
International Affairs Program
201 Renaissance Park
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115