Academic Advising

Northeastern University provides students with a variety of opportunities to explore academic, professional, and international experiences. Qualified advisors help students pursue their objectives. Below you will find all advisors linked to International Affairs.
Undergraduate Advising
Academic advising is an ongoing process that engages students in educational planning consistent with their academic interests as well as with their personal, intellectual, and career goals. The Office of Student Academic Affairs is located at 180 Renaissance Park. Please see the Academic Services Directory for more department specific information.
For additional resources, go to the Additional Advising Support page.
Academic Advisors
To view your Academic Advisor, please see the CSSH Advising page and go to “Meet the Advisors” and Select International Affairs.
- Maureen Desmond (Last Names A-G) - Caitlin Greene (Last Names H – N) - Shakyra Antoine (Last Names O – Z)
To schedule an appointment with your Advisor, please do one of the following:
- Schedule online – Stop by the CSSH Advising Virtual Front Desk
- Call the CSSH Advising Front Desk at 617-373-3980
- For deadlines, visit the Academic Calendar.
- To Declare an International Affairs Major or Minor, please go to: For any questions, please contact our Academic Advisors.
International Affairs Faculty Advisors
- Professor Panagoula (Youly) Diamanti-Karanou (Last names A-O)
(617) 373-4497 - Professor Ioannis Livanis (Last names P-Z)
(617) 373-4697
Co-op Coordinators
All international affairs majors are assigned a CSSH Co-op coordinator within international affairs. The coordinators are also located in 180 Renaissance Park. Students pursuing a dual or combined major can choose the department co-op coordinator who is more appropriate for their career interests. These advisors will guide students through the process of preparing for co-op, applying for jobs, and reflecting on the experience.
- Joani LaMachia (last names A-G)
(617) 373-8158 - Jonathan Andrew (last names H-Q)
(617) 373-3453 - Rebecca Westerling (last names R-Z)
(617) 373-7488
For more information, please go to the CSSH Co-op website
Global Experience Office Advisors
Students interested in going on a dialogue of civilizations, study abroad, or any international study program, the advisors in the Global Experience Office can help. GEO is located at 403 Richards Hall.
Phone: (617) 373-5276
For more information, please go to the Global Experience Office website