Adult Communication Skills and Assessments

Long, G. (1996). Assessing workplace communication skills with traditionally underserved persons who are deaf. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Research and Training Center on Traditionally Underserved Persons who are Deaf.
The article presents a description of the population of traditionally underserved deaf persons and one of the earliest formal communication assessment tools. The tool is designed to assess the communication skills of these deaf workers in relation to the key communication skills needed in their work sites. The report contains four sections plus a summary. Part 1 is a consumer communication profile; it addresses consumer communication skills as well as consumer interpreting and assistive technology needs. Part 2 presents an assessment of the communication environment in the workplace, including the critical communication skills needed there. Part 3 addresses the consumer-environment communication match. Part 4 addresses interventions and natural supports.
Williams, R. C. & Crump, C. J. (2013). Communication skills assessment.
This tool is a current state-of-the-art-assessment of language and communication skills in deaf persons seen in mental health settings. It presents an organized format for assessing lip-reading, speech, reading, writing, fingerspelling, and manual communication skills. The tool is very sensitive to known forms of language dysfluency (drawing heavily upon the “Do you hear voices?” article and book chapter). It includes a grid for differentiating language errors associated with mental illness from those associated with language deprivation.