Unfolding Scenarios Videos

The CALI Unfolding Scenarios project includes 12 recorded interpreting scenarios.
Five of the scenarios are structured from the perspective of a Deaf interpreter (DI) and seven are structured from the perspective of a hearing interpreter. Each scenario includes five to seven decision points.
Scenarios 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12 are also accompanied by sample interpreter responses and reflections. In these videos, two interpreters respond to each of the five to seven decision points in a given scenario, followed by a discussion where they reflect on their decision-making process. Scenarios 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, and 12 include Deaf and hearing model interpreters. Scenario 10, a VRS call with hearing interpreters only, has two hearing, heritage signers as the model interpreters.
Learn more about the project on the Unfolding Scenarios main page.
This product was created using grant funds. Capturing evaluation data is required . Please complete the <20 second, anonymous survey.
Scenario 1: Mental Health Setting
7 decision points
15:13 minutes
In a Deaf-hearing team situation, a mental health emergency arises involving a young Deaf male.
Scenario 1: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
1:06:00 hours
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing certified interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 2: Medical Setting (Hospital)
7 decision points
8:31 minutes
A husband and wife, both senior citizens, are the consumers. The husband is injured in an accident and requires surgery. Informed consent is involved. No consumer clips are included—only description.
Scenario 2: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
46:06 minutes
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing certified interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 3: Heath Care Setting (Doctor’s Office)
7 decision points
16:12 minutes
This scenario is a Deaf-hearing team situation involving a middle aged Deaf man with a leg injury sustained at work; he lives in a supervised apartment setting and requires support in navigating systems and instructions.
Scenario 3: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
57:37 minutes
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing (trilingual ASL/Spanish/English) certified interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 4: Committee Meeting Setting
7 decision points
13:24 minutes
This scenario is a Deaf-hearing interpreting team situation involving a DeafBlind female consumer who will be facilitating a meeting involving another DeafBlind person, several blind and sighted individuals, and two individuals connecting by phone.
Scenario 5: Employment Setting
5 decision points
8:39 minutes
Three different Deaf consumers (two females and one male) are involved in this scenario—each with unique communication needs (one has low vision, one has CP, one has cognitive limitations). There are no clips of the consumers—only a description of each. The assignment involves communication with an interpreter agency and personnel from a federal agency.
Scenario 6: Educational (K-12) Setting
7 decision points
6:58 minutes
This scenario is a Deaf-hearing interpreting team situation involving a 6-year old Deaf child who recently moved to the United States from Mexico and is still acquiring ASL competence. There is no clip of the Deaf child—only a description is provided.
NEW! Scenario 6: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
42:37 minutes
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 7: Employment Training Setting
6 decision points
15:00 minutes
This scenario is a team-Interpreted situation with a middle aged Deaf man who is dually diagnosed with low vision and mental health issues. The consumer is difficult to work with and presents multiple challenges for the interpreters. This is an assignment that is to last over several days.
Scenario 7: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
50:21 minutes
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing certified interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 8: Employment Interview Setting
7 decision points
12:46 minutes
A Deaf woman with mental health issues is applying for a job as a group home manager. The interview is being interpreted by a freelance interpreter who has worked for the agency interviewing the deaf woman on multiple other occasions and has a good working relationship with the HR department. However, upon arrival to the assignment it becomes evident that a prior interpreting experience involving the consumer and interpreter results in a potential conflict of interest.
Scenario 9: Religious Setting
7 decision points
19:12 minutes
A certified interpreter is volunteering her services to provide interpreting to a group of about a dozen Deaf individuals—of varying ages, gender, race and abilities—who attend worship services regularly. Changes in leadership of the worship community leads to some changes in the practice of the interpreter and Deaf consumers and results in several different issues.
Scenario 10: VRS Call Center Setting
5 decision points
14:22 minutes
A community freelance interpreter accepts part-time work for a VRS company and processes a range of calls. One call involves a consumer for whom the interpreter has interpreted during a medical appointment in the community. Another call involves Family and Children Services speaking with a Deaf mother of several young children. Varying issues arise that must be managed.
Scenario 10: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
5 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
1:03:09 hours
Sample responses are offered by two hearing (heritage signers) interpreters, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 11: VRS Call Center Setting
6 decision points
10:59 minutes
This scenario is a Deaf-hearing team interpreted situation involving a Deaf woman with multiple disabilities who makes several calls related to her plan to transition from her parent’s home into a supervised apartment setting. One of the calls is to a furniture rental company that keeps hanging up. Two other calls are to family members. Several different issues arise, including some relating to the interpreting team.
Scenario 11: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
6 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
1:05:23 hours
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.
Scenario 12: Educational Testing Setting
7 decision points
13:12 minutes
This scenario is a team-interpreted situation, and is the first time the two interpreters are working together. One has prior experience with the assignment. Three male Deaf students (HS juniors—16-17 years of age) are participating in standardized testing, but one is struggling due to his lack of fluency in ASL. He has lived in America for less than one year and although he knows another sign language, he is still working to develop fluency in ASL. Issues involve team collaboration strategies and access for the Deaf student who is foreign born.
Scenario 12: Sample Interpreter Responses and Reflections
7 decision points addressed by two interpreters, followed by a joint reflection
59:13 minutes
Sample responses are offered by one Deaf and one hearing certified interpreter, followed by a joint reflection on the scenario and their responses.