Our Partners

CALI would like to thank the many agencies and organizations that have helped make our work possible!
Interpreters currently participating in the Program of Study work in the following states:
Organization/Individuals | State | Website |
University of Rochester Medical Center | NY | https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/strong-memorial/services-amenities/interpreters.aspx |
Individual Participants | AZ, DC, CA, FL, HI, ID, IN, IL, LA, MA, MD, NB, NC, NH, NY, OK, OR, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV |
Interpreters who have completed CALI’s full Program of Study come from the following interpreter referral agencies:
Organization | Location | Website |
5 Star Interpreting | Orem, UT | https://5starinterpreting.com/ |
American School for the Deaf Community Interpreting | West Hartford, CT | https://www.asdcommunityinterpreting.com/ |
ASL Interpreting Services (ASLIS) | Golden Valley, MN | https://aslis.com/ |
ASL Services, Inc. | Kissimmee, FL | https://aslservices.com/ |
Center for Hearing & Deaf Services, Inc. (HDS) | Pittsburgh, PA | https://www.hdscenter.org/ |
Civic Access | Charlottesville, VA | https://civicaccess.com/ |
Communication Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CSDHH) | Greensboro, NC | https://www.csdhh.org/ |
DEAF C.A.N.! | Sylvan Lake, MI | http://www.deafcan.org/ |
Deaf Community Services of San Diego, Inc. | San Diego, CA | https://deafcommunityservices.org/ |
DEAF, Inc. | St. Louis, MO | https://www.deafinc.org/ |
Hallenross and Associates, LLC | Columbus, Ohio | https://www.hallenross.com/ |
Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center (HSDC) | Seattle, WA | https://hsdc.org/ |
Isle Interpret (ISLE) | Kaneohe, HI | https://www.isleinterpret.com/ |
LUNA Language Services | Indianapolis, IN | https://luna360.com/ |
Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) | Boston, MA | https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-commission-for-the-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing |
National Interpreting Service, Inc. | Salem, OR | https://nationalinterpretingservice.org/ |
Network Interpreting Service | Twin Falls, Idaho | https://networkinterpretingservice.com |
Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Inc. | Concord, NH | https://ndhhs.org/ |
Partners Interpreting | Rhode Island | https://www.partnersinterpreting.com |
Pine Tree Society | Scarborough, ME | https://www.pinetreesociety.org/ |
Services by Vital Signs, Inc. | San Antonio, TX | https://www.vitalsigns.cc/ |
Sign Language Resources, Inc. | New York, NY | http://www.SLRconnect.com |
TCS Interpreting, Inc. | Silver Spring, MD | https://tcsinterpreting.com/ |
Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services | NM, VT | https://vancroiis.com/ |
Individual Participants | AL, AR, CO, DE, FL, IL, KS, LA, MD, MO, NJ, NM, NY, OK, PA, TX, VA, WA, WI |
The video below describes the five RSA Interpreting Grants that ran from 2017-2021, including the first cycle of CALI.