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Planners, Administrators, and Analysts

  • Opportunity Posted On:


  • Company / Organization:

    State of Colorado's Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)

  • Location:

    Denver, Colorado

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  • Opportunity Description

    the Department of Local Affairs’ Division of Local Government is building a brand new team of passionate planners, administrators, and analysts to implement new laws passed in the 2024 legislative session, including SB24-174 Sustainable Affordable Housing, HB24-1313 Transit Oriented Communities, HB24-1152 Accessory Dwelling Units, HB24-1304 Minimum Parking Requirements. CDO will be hiring 14 new staff members to serve as a highly collaborative group within the Planning team (under the leadership of KC McFerson) to implement the land use and housing laws described on our 2024 legislative summary page and our interactive website.



    The new staff will develop, launch, and implement these new programs mentioned above, so CDO is looking for a diverse team of professionals who are passionate about these issues and bring varied experiences to help us get it right. CDO will create two new smaller teams, including:

    1. a Land Use Technical Assistance Unit dedicated to providing information, data, analysis, and assistance to help local governments successfully comply with the new laws, and
    2. a Planning Grants Unit to develop and administer three new grant programs (ADUs, housing planning, and transit oriented community infrastructure). Both teams will work closely together.



    Additionally, we’ll be hiring a Land Use Policy Advisor, a Planning Coordinator/Administrator, and a “many hats” Land Use Planner with a communications focus. Please see each position announcement for more details and apply for each position in which you are interested. Hiring begins now and will continue for several months, starting with three planning positions in the Technical Assistance Unit. Learn more about the Community Development Office by visiting our main website.

    Land Use Planning Technical Assistance Unit

    DOLA has posted the three planner positions from the Land Use Technical Assistance Unit together. Positions close no later than Oct 18. You must apply for each position in which you want to be considered. All three positions will possess significant local government technical land use planning experience, in particular, in local government land use regulations and programming around housing needs assessments, accessory dwelling units, and transit oriented development. These positions will work with local governments to assist them with their work to comply with the new planning laws and will review submittals for compliance.



    • Land Use Technical Assistance Planner (CED III)– will have at least 6 years of relevant experience (see bolded sentence above). This position will also review local government submittals, provide feedback, and assist with data and analysis needs.
    • Land Use Technical Assistance Lead Planner (CED IV)–  will have 7 years of relevant local government land use experience (see above) and significant technical knowledge of land use best practices and innovations informed by hard-won local government implementation experience. This position will review local government submittals, provide feedback, and contribute to DOLA’s implementation work. This position will not be a supervisor but will serve as a work lead for 2 teammates.
    • Land Use Technical Assistance Unit Manager (CED V)–  Along with at least 8 years of relevant local government land use experience (see above), this person will have management experience, will be able to think quickly on their feet, advise on policy, and be a strong project manager to help CDO meet all of the statutorily required deliverables in an ambitious timeline. This position will supervise 4 positions, including the other two planners listed here and two research and data analysts, but will also contribute to the work to review local submittals for compliance and offer feedback and assistance.