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SCCJ co-hosts CSSH Equity Series

On March 27 the Humanities Center and the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice are co-hosting a lecture series focused on race and justice in two critical American institutions; prisons and the healthcare system. These two separate events will feature experts in their respective disciplines.

We encourage you to attend this series in a way that works for you – whether that’s attending both lectures in person, or joining one or both virtually.

Lecture one with Dr. Michael Lawrence Walker

March 27 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

RP 909 or virtual

Dr. Michael Lawrence Walker is the Beverly and Richard Fink Professor in Liberal Arts and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. His broad research concerns stratification, social control, punishment, and social psychology, which he translates into studies of race relations, carceral patterns, inequality, identities, emotions, and time. Dr. Walker is the author of Indefinite: Doing Time in Jail, which won the 2022 Charles H. Cooley Award for Best Recent Book from the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. Indefinite is a transformative ethnography of social life in a modern county jail. Conducted while Dr. Walker, himself, was incarcerated, Indefinite presents a visceral examination of the emotional landscape of penal living from the viewpoint of those locked away. Michael’s talk will partly explore the underexamined issue of sleep hygiene in jails, a problem associated with increased risks for developing mood disorders, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and other physiological problems.

In-person attendees: This presentation will include a complimentary boxed lunch so please share any dietary restrictions at registration.

Virtual Attendees:

To view the livestream please visit:

Lecture two with Christopher Willoughby

March 27 | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

RP 909 or virtual

Christopher D.E. Willoughby (PhD, Tulane University) is a Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Pitzer College and a historian of slavery and medicine in the United States and the Atlantic World. He is the author of the book Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools (University of North Carolina Press, 2022) and editor of Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery (Louisiana State University Press, 2021).

Chris’s lecture will focus on the paradox of medical science in antebellum America: it presumed African Americans to be less than human yet still human enough to be viable as experimental subjects, as cadavers, and for use in the training of medical students. Chris’s lecture takes a hard look at the racial ideas of both northern and southern medical schools, examining how racist ideas were not external to the medical profession but fundamental to medical knowledge.

In-person attendees: This presentation will include a light snacks and refreshments, please share any dietary restrictions at registration.

Virtual Attendees:

To view the livestream please visit:

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