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Exposure of brothels that catered to the elite spotlights how legal system treats buyers and sellers in sex trade

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Director and Professor Amy Farrell, weighed in on the recent exposure of East Coast Brothels for The Boston Globe.

Authorities have yet to publicly identify the politicians and other elitecustomers who allegedly paid for sex at brothels in Cambridge, Watertown, and the Washington, D.C., suburbs, but the prosecution of the interstate prostitution case will test whether the legal system has evolved in how it treats buyers and sellers in the sex trade.

On Thursday, one day after three people were arrested on federal charges for allegedly operating a ring that catered to a wealthy and well-connected clientele, authorities would not rule out either federal or state charges against hundreds of men who bought sex.

Among that group, federal authorities have said, are elected officials, military officers, business executives, lawyers, doctors, and government contractors with security clearances.

Read more in the Boston Globe.

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