Includes current position, dissertation title, and dissertation committee members.
Project Director – Community Health Needs Assessment & Community Health Improvement Plan (CHNA/CHIP), Boston, MA
“Immigrant-Led Urban Health Activism as Place-Making: Countering the logics of immigrant exclusion.”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Tiffany Joseph, Liza Weinstein, Felipe Filomeno
Senior Research Program Manager, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA
“Uncertain Institutions: Risk and Birth Practice in COVID-19”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Linda Blum, Laura Senier, Laura Nelson
“Constructing Chemical Essentiality in Consumer Life and The Military: The Case of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)”
Committee: Phil Brown, Steve Vallas, Alissa Cordner, Lauren Richter
Postdoctoral Scholar in Urban and Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University to begin Fall 2025.
“The historical urban political economy of community-owned electric utilities in the southeastern United States”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Gavin Shatkin, Jennie Stephens, Neil Brenner
“Has anything really changed? Mothers negotiating generational sexual cultures”
Committee: Linda Blum, Alisa Lincoln, Laura Senier, Laura Carpenter
“Untangling processes in the diffusion of innovative practices: SlutWalks, gender equity strategies, and Covid 19 vaccines ”
Committee: Ineke Marshall, Kathrin Zippel, Matthew Hunt, Laura Nelson
“The Movement against Feminicidio in Puerto Rico: Expanding the Frontiers of Policies and Activism Against Gender Based Violence”
Committee: Val Moghadam, Liza Weinstein, Eileen Otis, Amilcar Barreto
Research and Evaluation Associate, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
“Labor Control and the Experience of Work in the Platform Economy”
Committee: Steve Vallas, Hilary Robinson, Eileen Otis, Juliet Schor
Associate Director of Research, Center for Workplace Development, William James College, Newton, MA
“2020 Vision: How state agencies promote racial equity and antiracism in mental health care”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Tiffany Joseph, David Rochefort, Benjamin LeCook
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada
“Political Comedy and the Public Sphere”
Committee: Danny Faber, Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Deborah Jaramillo
Lecturer, Marlboro Institute for the Liberal Arts at Emerson College, Boston, MA
“The Soil Is Corrupt and So Are the Politicians”: A Marxist Critique of Tacoma LNG’s Environmental Impact Assessment”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Liza Weinstein, Valentine Moghadam, Charles Derber
Presidential Management Fellow, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Washington, DC
“Chronic Disease Inequities in the Era of Self-Management: Community Health Center Provider and Patients’ Interpretations of Health Inequity”
Committee: Laura Senier, Steve Vallas, Alisa Lincoln, Karen Luffey Spencer
Managing Associate I, Community Science, Bethesda, MD
“Heeding the Call: An Empirical Evaluation of Gentrification Research”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Tom Koenig, Dan O’Brien
Assistant Professor, Departments of Sociology and Environment & Sustainability, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
“Environmental Data Justice in Action: Civically Valid Air Monitoring near Oil and Gas Extraction in the Eagle Ford Shale Play”
Committee: Sara Wylie, Phil Brown, Dietmar Offenhuber, Michelle Murphy, Chunron Jia
Associate Professor, Education Development and Learning Support Center, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan
“Reproducing invisibility: Contested narratives about radiation health effects after Fukushima”
Committee: Phil Brown, Linda Blum, Sara Wylie, Daniel Aldrich
Lecturer, Academic Writing Program, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
“Peasant Entrepreneurs in the Global Cultural Economy of Superfoods: The Case of Turkish Avocado Growers”
Committee: Alan Klein, Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Zafer Yenal
Lecturer of Sociology, Emmanuel College, Boston, MA
“Imagining Legacy: Development, Resistance, and Image-Making in Boston and Los Angeles’s Olympic Bids”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Doreen Lee, Steve Vallas, Jon Wynn
Director of Research & Evaluation, Steans Family Foundation, Chicago, IL
“Urban Prospecting: The New Trajectories of Labor and The Making of the Digital Nomad”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Laura Nelson, Nina Sylvanus, Timothy Cresswell
Research and Evaluation Consultant, Carlson Pepper Collaborative, Seattle, WA
“Women’s Invisible Labor in Peacebuilding: Gender, Ethnicity, and Power in Transitioning Myanmar”
Committee: Kathrin Zippel, Alan Klein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Nina Sylvanus, Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
“The “Oldest City” Narrative: Colorblind Settler Racism and Historical Storytelling in St Augustine, Florida”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Christopher Chambers, Matt Hunt, Tiffany Chenault
Assistant Principal, Charlestown High School, Charlestown, MA
“Understanding Psychological and Collective Trauma Related to Neighborhood Violence”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Liza Weinstein, Silvia Dominguez, Gregory Zimmerman
Research Analyst, Jefferson County Schools, Golden, CO
“Power, Agency, and Equity in Decarbonization: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Just Transition Politics”
Committee: Phil Brown, Steve Vallas, Jennie Stephens
Director of Research and Evaluation, YW Boston, Boston, MA
“The Road to Registration: Bureaucracy, Inequalities, and the Paradox of Compulsory Choice”
Committee: Steve Vallas, Linda Blum, Matt Hunt, Shelley Kimelberg
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Boston
“Narratives of Gentrification”
Committee: Silvia Dominguez, Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, David Embrick
Academic HR Professional, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
“The Uneasy Middle Class: Young Homeownership in Istanbul”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Doreen Lee, Jeffrey Juris, Ates Altinordu
Tax Culture & Tax Compliance Advisor, DIAN: National Tax and Customs Directorate, Bogota, Columbia
“Microcredit and Repayment in Colombia”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Doreen Lee, Steven Vallas, Pedro Quintin Quilez
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA
“Recovery and Reentry: Professionalizing and Resisting Stigmas in Forensic Peer Support”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Ineke Marshall, Phil Brown, Jeff Draine
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Tufts University, Medford, MA
“Activism under Fire: Violence, poverty, and collective action in Rio de Janeiro”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Valentine Moghadam, Thomas Vicino
Assistant Professor of Social Work, Sociology Program Coordinator, Elms College, Chicopee, MA
“Responding to Violence in the Homeland: Identity and Transnational Activism within the Indian Christian Diaspora”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Gordana Rabrenovic, Berna Turam, Peggy Levitt
Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, San Bernardino, CA
“Networks of Exclusion in a Gendered Organization in the High-Tech Industry”
Committee: Kathrin Zippel, Linda Blum, Steve Vallas, Erin Kelly
Senior UX Researcher, Meta, Menlo Park, CA
“Shaped by Chevron: Race, Resistance, and Responsibility in Richmond, California”
Committee: Phil Brown, Liza Weinstein, Laura Senier, Rashad Shabazz
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Unseen Science: The Social Re-Discovery of Per- and Polyfluorinated Compounds”
Committee: Phil Brown, Laura Senier, Steve Vallas, Alissa Cordner
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
“Dreaming the Future: The Gendered Technopolitics of Development”
Committee: Kathrin Zippel, Jeffrey Juris, Nina Sylvanus, Suzanna Walters, Jocelyn Viterna
User Experience Researcher, Google
“Transnational Migration and the Global Circulation of Talent”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Kathrin Zippel, Gordana Rabrenovic, Gavin Shatkin
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA
“Threatened by Memory: White Americans’ Reactions to Representations of Slavery”
Committee: Matthew Hunt, Jack Levin, Arnie Arluke, Victor Thompson
Director of Data and Policy, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Boston, MA
“Doors Opening: An Analysis of Equity and Accessibility of Public Transportation Services in the United States”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Liza Weinstein, Steve Vallas, James Connolly
Senior Qualitative Specialist, Science and Technology Platform, Ariadne Labs, Boston, MA
“Planning Uncertain Futures: Contesting City and Home in the ‘New’ Detroit”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Doreen Lee, Jeff Juris, Tim Cresswell
Urban Environment and Public Health Researcher, Boston, MA
“The Social Ownership of Community Gardens: Implications for Environmental Justice, Food Access, and The Right to the City”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Liza Weinstein, James Connolly, Christopher Bosso
Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of West Alabama
“The End of International Adoption? Altruism, Reproductive Markets, and the “Healthy Child”
Committee: Linda Blum, Liza Weinstein, Doreen Lee, Lorraine Bayard de Volo
Lecturer, Department of Social Work, University of Washington, Tacoma
“The Lived Realities of Economic Crisis: Neoliberal Ideology, Governmentality, and Resistance in Elkhart, Indiana”
Committee: Steven Vallas, Daniel Faber, Matthew O. Hunt, Ofer Sharone
Assistant Professor of Sociology, SUNY – Old Westport, Old Westport, NY
“Social Immobility, Ethno-Politics and Sectarian Violence: Obstacles to Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Northern Ireland”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Liza Weinstein, Jack Levin, Neil Jarman
“Identification, Understanding and Response: Exploring the Exposure Experience”
Committee: Phil Brown, Daniel Faber, Sara Wylie, Sara Shostak
“Political Fantasies: A Sociological Analysis of Political Sexual Culture”
Committee: Michael Brown, Gordana Rabrenovic, Maureen Kelleher, Lin Huff-Corzine
“Japanese Souls and Brazilian Hearts: An Exploration of the Ethnic Identities and Mental Wellbeing of Japanese Brazilian Return-Return Migrants”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Matthew O. Hunt, Alan Klein, Takeyuki Tsuda
Director of Concurrent Enrollment, Community College of Rhode Island
“Bringing Education Online: Institutional Logics in the Legitimation and Resistance to Online Higher Education”
Committee: Steven Vallas, Gordana Rabrenovic, Laura Senier, Daniel Kleinman
Qualitative Research Manager, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
“Extractive Dreams: Unearthing Consent, Development, and Lithium in Bolivia”
Committee: Alan Klein, Liza Weinstein, Jeffrey Juris, Brent Kaup
Assistant Professor, Nazarene College
“The Local Political Incorporation of New Immigrants in Non-Traditional Gateways: A Case Study of Brockton, MA and Lowell, MA”
Committee: Silvia Dominguez, Len Albright, Shelley Kimelberg, Cathy Bueker
Administrator and Technology Assistant, Academic Affairs, Curry College
“The Struggle for Special Visa Allotments for Irish: The Irish Immigration Reform Movement and the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform”
Committee: Thomas Koenig, Mindelyn Buford II, Gordina Rabrenovic, Rachel Rosenbloom
Director of Community Engagement, Simmons University, Boston, MA
“Narratives of the Past and Contemporary Urban Politics: The Case of the Boston School Desegregation Crisis”
Committee: Liza Weinstein, Jeffrey Juris, Shelley Kimelberg, Miren Uriarte
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University
“Masculinities of the State: The Prime Minister and the Police in Turkey”
Committee: Berna Turam, Kathrin Zippel, Linda Blum, Elizabeth Wood
Associate Professor, Johnson & Wales University
“REACH: EU Chemicals Policy-Actors, Networks, Parties and Political Opportunities”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Ineke Marshall, Thomas Koenig, Christopher Bosso
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, St. Louis University
“Space, Place, and Disorder in Urban Emergency Medical Services Work”
Committee: Alisa Lincoln, Steven Vallas, Shelley Kimelberg, Patrick Sharkey
Research Affiliate, Sciences Po, Paris
“Reconstituting Portals and Power Relations: The internationalization of l’Ecole polytechnique”
Committee: Kathrin Zippel, Linda Blum, Jeffrey Juris, Steven Vallas, Laura Frader
Associate Director of Enrollment Research in Institutional Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University
“Institutional Financial Aid: An Examination of the Manner in which Policies are Publicly Framed and an Analysis of the Basis on which Aid Dollars are Truly Distributed”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Daniel Faber, Barry Bluestone, Joseph Pedulla
Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Denver
“A Compulsory Alliance: Gender and Privilege in a High School Gay-Straight Alliance”
Committee: Alan Klein, Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic, Hana Gordon
Assistant Vice President of Research and Knowledge Sharing, Crittenton Women’s Union, Boston, MA
“Creating Supplemental Networks for Low-Income Women: Social Ties Embedded within Social Service Organizations.”
Committee: Shelley Kimmelberg, Liza Weinstein, Silvia Dominguez, Donna Friedman
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, State University of New York at Potsdam
“Queer Adolescent Perceptions of Romantic Relationships and Dating Violence: Building an Integrative Framework for LGBTQ Violence Research.”
Committee: Ineke Marshall, Alisa Lincoln, Susan Jo Roberts, Carlos A. Cuevas
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, UMass-Lowell
“Segregation, Stereotypes, and Neighborhoods: Their Influence on Whites’ Racial Attitudes and Blacks’ Self Esteem”
Committee: Luis M. Falcon, Shelley Kimelberg, Theresa Osypuk, Matthew Hunt
Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA
“Captive Knowledge: Censorship and Control in Prison Libraries”
Committee: Ineke Haen Marshall, Arnold Arluke, Natasha A. Frost
Associate Professor of Sociology, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas
“The State, the School, and the Family in the Gentrification of the American City”
Committee: Matthew Hunt, Shelley McDonough Kimelberg, Liza Weinstein, Barry Bluestone, John R. Logan
Part-time Faculty, Sociology, University of New Mexico
“Social Capital and Youth Baseball: A Qualitative Investigation of Parental Social Ties”
Committee: Alan Klein, Shelley Kimelberg, Arnold Arluke, Mario Small
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Washington-Tacoma, Tacoma, WA
“Averting the Unlikely: Fearing, Assessing, and Preventing Threats of Rampage Violence in American Public Schools”
Committee: Jack Levin, Arnold Arluke, Ineke Marshall, Glenn Muschert
Adjunct Faculty, Monroe Community College, SUNY
“Globalization, Unequal Ecological Exchange, and Climate Justice: The Case of Turkey and the European Union”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Koenig, Berch Berberoglu
Assistant Professor, Marlboro College, Marlboro, Vermont
“City Roots: Grassroots Efforts to Improve Social and Environmental Capital in Urban Areas”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Judith Perrolle, Shelley Kimelberg, Joan Fitzgerald
Director of Economic and Public Policy Research, UMass Amherst Donahue Institute, Hadley, MA
“Assessing the Role of Industrial and Demographic Change on Regional Economic Health: A Case Study of Greater Boston”
Committee: Barry Bluestone, Michael Handel, Gordana Rabrenovic, Alan-Clayton Matthews
“Non-Traditional Educational Trajectories: The Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Women Who are Educationally Disadvantaged”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Debra Kaufman, Michael Handel, Lorna Rivera
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Portland State University, Portland, OR
“The Battle over Bishenol-A: United States Chemical Policy and the New Networked Environmental Politics”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Judith Perrolle, Jeffrey Juris, Thomas Estabrook
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Framingham State, Framingham, MA
“Crime in the New Destinations: The Effect of Changing Patterns of Immigrant Settlement on Traditional and Biased Crime”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Jack Levin, Samantha Friedman, and Jacob I. Stowell
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Widener University, Chester, PA
“College Students’ Self-Predicted Reactions to Witnessing Sexual Assault: The Impact of Gender, Community, Bystander Experience, and Relationship to the Victim”
Committee: Ineke Marshall, Jack Levin, Carlos Cuevas, and Mary M. Moynihan
Lecturer, Curry College, Milton, MA
“Which Bias Crimes Get Prosecuted? An Analysis of Bias Motivated Incidents and Prosecutions in the City of Boston, Massachusetts 2007-2008″
Committee: Jack Levin, Jack McDevitt, Gordana Rabrenovic, Carolyn Petrosino
Lecturer, Bunker Hill Community College and Clinical Sociologist, Tonn Cao and Associates, Quincy, MA
“Celebratory Parade Violence: The Roles of Impression Management and Deindividuation”
Committee: Jack Levin, Steven Vallas, Gordana Rebrenovic, and Richard Rowland
Chief Financial Officer, Women’s Work Foundation, Savannah, GA
“Exploring “Ethnic Money Knowledge” as an Aspect of Financial Literacy Among Middle Class African Americans”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Koenig, Robert Hall and Cynthia Jackson
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Drury University, Springfield, MO
“Encounters with “Death Work” in Veterinary Medicine: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Practice of Euthansia”
Committee: Arnold Arluke, Thomas Koenig, Silvia Dominguez, Clinton Sanders
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Williamette University, Salem, OR
“The Good Fight: Variations in Explanations of the Tactical Choices by Activists Who Confront Organized White Supremacists”
Committee: Jack Levin, Kathrin Zippel, Judith Perrolle, Diane Dentice
Co-Founder and Senior Research Consultant at Social Science Research Solutions, LLP, Boston, MA
“A National and Local Response to a Local Problem: How the Public, Media, Government and Local Organizations Reacted to the Crime Wave at the Late 1980s and Early 1990s”
Committee: Jack Levin, Gordana Rabrenovic, Maureen Kelleher, Glenn Pierce
Evaluation Consultant, Consultation Center, New Haven, CT
“The Impact of Family of Origin Violence and Military Life on Adult Partner Violence Against Women in Navy Couples”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Kathrin Zippel, Maureen Kelleher, Linda Williams
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Emmanuel College, Department of Sociology, Boston, MA
“First Step or Last Chance: At-Risk Youth, Alternative Schooling and Juvenile Delinquency”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Jack Levin, Maureen Kelleher, Simon Singer
Lecturer of Sociology, Metropolitan State University (St. Paul) and Augsburg College (Minneapolis), MN
“Vulnerability and the Social Production of Disaster: Hurricane Mitch in Posoltega, Nicaragua”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Judith Perrolle, Thomas Koenig, Ronald Sandler
Senior Research Associate, Human Services Research Institute, Cambridge, MA
“An Examination of Factors Associated with Student Exclusions in Massachusetts School Districts”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Jack Levin, Maureen Kelleher, Geoff Ward
Assistant Professor, Rhode Island College, Department of Sociology, Providence, RI
“We Eat Cachupa, Not Clam Chowder: Mapping Second Generation Cape Verdean Youth Identity in the Greater Boston Area”
Committee: Michael Brown, Wini Breines, Matthew Hunt, Murray Forman, Kumarini Silva
Vice President of Healthcare Informatics, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
“Caged Lives and Caged Minds? The Role of Agency in the Desistance Process: A Secondary Analysis of the Nebraska Inmate Survey”
Committee: Ineke Marshall, Thomas Koenig, Peter Manning, Mike Manocchie
Adjunct Lecturer of Sociology and Criminology, Merrimack College, North Andover
“Bridging the Gap: The Role of Gender Advisers in Implementing United Nations Gender Mainstreaming Policy in Peacekeeping Operations”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Debra Kaufman, Kathrin Zippel, Angela Raven-Roberts
Suicide Prevention and Primary Mental Health Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Health, Rochester, MN
“Flirting with Feminism: The State and the Battered Women’s Movement in Massachusetts”
Committee: Winifred Breines, Kathrin Zippel, Debra Kaufman, Eileen McDonough
Senior Associate, Frameworks Institute, Washington, DC
“The Role of Social Organizations in Black Ethnic Identity Construction of Post-1965 Caribbean Immigrants in Brooklyn, New York”
Committee: Winifred Breines, Maureen Kelleher, Gordana Rabrenovic, Paula Aymer
Assistant Professor of Sociology, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
“Depression among Aging Hispanics in Massachusetts: The Role of Informal and Formal Social Support Systems”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Gordana Rabrenovic, William Sanchez, Jan Mutchler
Associate Professor, Lamar University, Department of Sociology, Beaumont, Texas
“A Masculinist Discourse of Women’s Sexuality: A Feminist Analysis”
Committee: Debra Kaufman, Kathrin Zippel, Jack Levin, Third Reader, and Peter Anderson
Stewart Professor of Criminal Justice and Community Policing at the University of New Haven, West Haven, CT
“Correlates of Attitudinal Differences Between Black and White Police Officers. A study of the Indianapolis, IN. and St. Petersburg, FL. Police Departments”
Committee: Thomas Koenig, Jack Levin, Barry Bluestone
Senior Lecturer, Suffolk University, Department of Sociology, Boston, MA
“Race and Perception of Race in Post Colonial Private School in Botswana”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Koenig, Jack Levin, and Thomas Shapiro
Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University, Department of Sociology, Chicago, IL
“Of Color Bright: Interracial Friendships in the Lives of Young College Women”
Committee: Maureen Kelleher, Gordana Rabrenovic, Winifred Breines, and Carla Rodriguez
Visiting Assistant Professor, Baldwin-Wallace College, Department of Sociology, Berea, Ohio
“Globalization Development and Environmental Justice Movement: The Case of Bergoma, Turkey”
Committee:Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Koenig, Chris Bosso
Assistant Professor, Bridgewater State College, Department of Sociology, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
“The Successes and Limitations of Single-Sex Math Classrooms in American Public Schools”
Committee: Judith Perrolle, Thomas Koenig, Gordana Rabrenovic, Bonnie Wood
Assistant Dean, School of Professional and Continuing Studies, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
“The Reading of Everyday Life: Popular and Comic Books”
Committee: Michael Brown, Winifred Breines, Thomas Shapiro, and Randy Martin
Assistant Professor, Southern Connecticut State University, Department of Sociology, New Haven, Connecticut
“Disparities from the Start: Class-and-Race-Based Inequality in Schools”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Shapiro, Luis Falcón, James Fraser
Visiting Lecturer, University of Massachusetts, Department of Sociology, Dartmouth
“Merging Environmental Justice and Brownfields Policy in Massachusetts: Opportunities and Obstacles to the Revitalization of Urban Communities”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Thomas Koenig, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Barry Bluestone
Associate Professor of Sociology & Women’s and Gender Studies, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT
“Women in Factory-Based and Home-Based Carpet Production in Napel: Beyond the Formal and Informal Economy”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic, Luis Falcon, and Terry Haywoode
Member, Faculty of Sciences of the Formations, Roma Tre Universita Degli Studi (University of Rome, III), Rome, Italy
“Italy’s 1990′s Black-hole, the Northern League and its Impact Upon the Post-Industrial States of the Italian Society: A Case Study”
Committee:Daniel Faber, Thomas Koenig, T. Anthony Jones, and Michael Blim
Senior Account Executive, WebCT, A Blackboard Company, Lynnfield, Massachusetts and Adjunct Faculty, Nichols College and Middlesex Community College
“An Anaylsis of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Banners that Affect the Advancement of Women Managers in the High Tech Industry”
Committee: Debra Kaufman, Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic
Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Sociology, Saskatoon, Canada
“Prejudice as a Response to Group Threat: Evidence from the European Union”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Kathrin Zippel, Barry Bluestone, and Michael Blim
Adjunct Faculty, Framingham State University, Department of Sociology, Framingham, Massachusetts
“Deadheads as a Moral Community”
Committee: Michael Brown, Debra Kaufman, Jack Levin, and Randy Martin
Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
“The Influence of Family and Neighborhood Context on Crime Among Juvenile Offenders”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Jack Levin, Matt Hunt, and Ramiro Martinez
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, New York
“Internet Communications and Skinhead Communities”
Committee: Michael Brown, Jack Levin, Debra Kaufman, and Phil Lamy
Adjunct Faculty, Framingham State University, Department of Sociology, Framingham, Massachusetts
“Speculative Endeavors: Stock Trading and Everyday Life”
Committee: Arnold Arluke, Michael Brown, Thomas Shapiro, Jack Levin, and Randy Martin
Research Analyst, Kiley and Company, Boston, Massachusetts
“Women and Politics: When the Gender Gap in Public Opinion Changes”
Committee: Maureen Kelleher, Gordana Rabrenovic, Winifred Breines, and Eileen McDonagh
Associate Director of the University Honors Program, American University, Washington, D.C.
“The Changing U.S. News Media Landscape and Implications for U.S. Journalism, Journalist and Democracy: A Sociological Inquiry”
Committee: Debra Kaufman, Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Shapiro, and Laurel Leff
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Xavier College, Chicago, IL
“The Meaning of Womanhood in Chile: Virgin, Mother, Worker?”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Debra Kaufman, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Margorie Agosin
Adjunct Faculty, University College, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
“An Ethnography of Marijuana Policy Reform Groups and Marijuana Culture”
Committee: Michael Brown, Thomas Shapiro, Jack Levin, and David Wagner
Assistant Professor, Sam Houston University, Criminal Justice Center, Huntsville, Texas
“Performance Measurement and Human Service Organizations: The Impact of Evaluation Processes on Organizational Programs and Practices”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Maureen Kelleher, Jack Levin, and Jim Dyer
Chair and Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts
“The Role of Human Capital in the Occupation, Job Tenure, and Salary of Former Welfare Recipients”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Thomas Koenig, and Gordana Rabrenovic
Consultant, National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness, Southern Regional Office, New Orleans, Louisiana
“All that Glitters is Sure to Fade: A Gendered Analysis of Work and Culture in the Dockside Gaming Industry”
Committee: Winifred Breines, Gordana Rabrenovic, Debra Kaufman
Assistant Professor, Lehigh University, Department of Sociology, Pennsylvania
“The Ideology of Meritocracy and the Power of Wealth: School Selection and the Reproduction of Race and Class Inequality”
Committee: Thomas Shapiro, Maureen Kelleher, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Melvin Oliver
“Minority-oriented text-based community life on the Internet: A case study on the role of computer networking in fostering welfare of young adults with visual disabilities in the early years of Web development.”
Committee: Judith Perrolle, Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Shapiro, and Michael Blim
Assistant Professor, College of Charleston, Department of Sociology, Charleston, South Carolina
“The Color of Green: Lessons Learned from the Developing Relationship between Philanthropic Foundations and the Environmental Justice Movement”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Winifred Breines, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Susan Ostrander
Adjunct Faculty Member, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
“Restructuring the Agrarian Sector: Property and Citizenship in Mexico”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Thomas Koenig, Lynn Stephen, and Susan Eckstein
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Ankara
“Drowning the Poor: The Social and Ecological Costs of Water Development in Turkey”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Luis Falcon, Judith Perrolle, and Michael Blim
“Domestic Violence in Portuguese, Cape Verdean, and Brazilian Families: A Clinical, Sociological, and Qualitative Study”
Committee: Jack Levin, Michael Brown, William Sanchez, and Gonzal Bacigalupe
Program Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Washington, DC
“Youth at Play: Preventing Youth Problem Behavior through Sport and Recreation”
Committee:Thomas Koenig, Alan Klein, Jack Levin, and Robert Granfield
“The Rise of Ethnonationalism in the Soviet Union: A Comparative Study with a Special Reference to Armenia 1945-1991″
Committee: Lubomyr Hajda, T. Anthony Jones, Luis Falcon, and Gordana Rabrenovic
Adjunct Faculty, University College, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
“Men at Work, at Home and in the World: A Case Study of Grocery Night Crew Workers”
Committee: Michael Brown, Jack Levin, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Randy Martin
Health Services Researcher, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Rhode Island, Providence, RI
Is there a cumulative advantage in health-related quality of life associated with educational attainment?
Committee: Elliott Krause, Luis Falcon, Thomas Koenig, and Kathy Lasch
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Department of Sociology, Boston, Massachusetts
“Learning Community: An Ethnographic Study of Popular Education and Homeless Women in a Shelter-Based Adult Literacy Program”
Committee: Gordana Rabrenovic, Wilfred Holton, Terry Haywoode, and Ann Withorn
Research Analyst, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
“Factors Associated with Smoking Status and Birth Outcomes Among Low-Income Pregnant Women: A Social Policy Perspective”
Committee: Maureen Kelleher, Thomas Shapiro, Wilfred Holton, and Karen Emmons
Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, Department of Sociology, Newark, Delaware
Race, Ideology, and Legal Action: The Case of Capital Sentencing Jurors
Committee: Jack Levin, William Bowers, Thomas Koenig, and Marla Sandys
Associate Professor, California State University, Chicano Studies and Sociology
“A Study of Industry Location and Occupational Segmentation of Mexican and non-Latino White Workers in the Los Angeles Labor Market, 1980-1990: A Comparative Analysis”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Lynn Stephen, Thomas Shapiro, and Alfonso Morales
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Southwestern Texas University
“The Aftermath of Suicide Among African Americans”
Committee: Michael Brown, Arnold Arluke, and Jack Levin
Professor of Management, Bentley College, College of Business, Waltham, Massachusetts
“The Sociology of the American Electrical Engineering Occupation: A Socio-Historical Analysis of the Profession, Professionalization, Power, and Status”
Committee:Elliott Krause, Michael Brown, T. Anthony Jones, and Peter Meiksins
Program Officer, Avina Foundations, Miami, Florida
“Give Them the Credit They Deserve: Marketwomen and the Impact of the Micro-Enterprise Lending in the Municipalities of Apopa and Nejapa, El Salvador”
Committee: Lynn Stephen, Gordana Rabrenovic, Luis Falcon, and Michael Blim
Assistant Professor, Beijing University, Department of Sociology, People’s Republic of China
“Negotiating a Space: Gender Dynamics of China’s Rural Industrialization”
Committee: Lynn Stephen, Christine Gailey, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Christine Gilmartin
Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton, Management Consulting Firm, Mclean, Virginia
“Unequal Risks: Excess Fire Mortality among African Americans 1949-1992″
Committee: Thomas Shapiro, Thomas Koenig, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Charles Jennings
Chief Executive Officer, Concord Consultants, Cambridge, Massachusetts
“The Massachusetts Community Health Network Area Initiative: A Community-Government Partnership”
Committee: Thomas Koenig, Gordana Rabrenovic, Wilfred Holton, and Alan Balsam
Assistant Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, SUNY at Oneonta, Oneonta, New York
“Economic and Social Restructuring in a Rural Community”
Committee: Wilfred Holton, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Jack Levin
Massachusetts State Police Department
“The Police and Civil Society”
Committee: Michael Brown, Jack Levin, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Randy Martin
Associate Professor, Holyoke Community College, Liberal Arts Department, Holyoke, Massachusetts
“Developing a Critical Pedagogy for Democracy’s College: Matching Social Policy with Community College Student Realities”
Committee: Jack Levin, Michael Brown, Wilfred Holton, and Henry Giroux
Assistant Professor, Merrimack College, Department of Sociology, North Andover, Massachusetts
“A Wonderful Barbarous State in the Midst of Civilization: An Exploration of the Mythology of a Pariah Community”
Committee: Michael Brown, Debra Kaufman, and Gordana Rabrenovic
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Framingham State University, Framingham, Massachusetts (Retired)
“Decision Making in Jewish Advocacy Organization”
Committee: Debra Kaufman, Ronald McAllister, and Gordana Rabrenovic
Assistant Professor, LaSalle College, Department of Sociology, Newton, Massachusetts
“Creation, Spirituality: Eco-spiritual Movement for the New Age”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Ronald McAllister, Wini Breines, and Susan Setta
Associate Professor, Texas A & M University, Texarkana, Department of Behavioral Science, Texarakana, Texas
“Socio-Environmental Factors and Health: The Latino Experience”
Committee: Wilfred Holton, Jack Levin, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Kevin Mulvey
Assistant Professor, LaSalle College, Department of Sociology, Newton, Massachusetts
“Creation, Spirituality: Eco-spiritual Movement for the New Age”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Ronald McAllister, Wini Breines, and Susan Setta
Associate Professor, Simmons College, Department of Sociology, Boston, Massachusetts“Gender and Sexuality in Postcolonial India: Narratives from Urban Middle-class Women”
Committee: Debra Kaufman, Christine Gailey, Lynn Stephen, Winifred Breines
Research Associate, Department of Education, Boston Public Schools, Boston, Massachusetts
“Experience of Immigrant Boston Students in One Boston Public School”
Committee: Felix Padilla, Gordana Rabrenovic, and Michael Brown
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
“Undocumented and Abused Immigrant Women in Massachusetts”
Committee: Winifred Breines, Debra Kaufman, Gordana Rabrenovic, Maureen Kelleher, and Bill Levin
Assistant Professor, South Carolina State University, Department of Psychology and Sociology
“Homosexual Men: Self-Image and Relationships”
Committee: Jack Levin, Richard Bourne, Michael Brown, and Sue Hoppe
Associate Professor, C.W. Post College, Department of Sociology, Long Island, New York
“Differentiation and Contamination”
Committee: Michael Brown, Jack Levin, Felix Padilla, and Stephen Pfohl
Associate Professor, Bristol Community College, Department of Sociology/New Bedford, Massachusetts
“Divergent Experience: Economic Status of White, Black, and Latina Single Mothers in Boston”
Committee: Luis Falcon, Thomas Shapiro, Thomas Koenig, and Ann Withorn
Associate Professor, Buffalo State University, Department of Sociology, Buffalo, New York
“Toxic Wastes, Race, and Class: A Historical Interpretation of Greater Boston”
Committee: Daniel Faber, Gordana Rabrenovic, Thomas Koenig, and Phil Brown
“Work Culture, Job Satisfaction and Unionization: The Case of Museum Art Guards”
Committee:Michael Brown, Gordana Rabrenovic, Jack Levin, and Randy Martin
“Sacred Spaces: Socio-Spatial Adaptations of Hindu Migrants”
Committee: Ronald McAllister, Wilfred Holton, and Jack Levin
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts
“Social Dynamics of Law: Limitation to Prosecutorial Discrimination in the Case of Pregnant Addicts”
Committee: Thomas Koenig, Maureen Kelleher, and Jack Levin
“Epidemiological Profile of the Environmental Health Care Component of Primary Health Care and Socioeconomic Development Potentials in Nigeria: A Case Study of Kaduna State”
Associate Professor, Central Connecticut State University, Department of Sociology
“Power, Credibility and the Public: The Social Construction at Seabrook Station”
Committee: German Gray, Winifred Breines, Lynn Stephen, and Michael Blim
Program Evaluator for Substance Abuse, Institute for Urban Health Policy
“Homeless Substance Abusers”
Committee: Maureen Kelleher, Carol Owen, and Earl Rubington
Associate Professor, University of Morocco, Department of Behavioral Science
“A Comparative Study between Moroccan Mental Healing and Psychiatry Practiced in Morocco”
Committee: Thomas Koenig, Christine Gailey, Ronald McAllister, and Thomas Harrington
Associate Professor, African American Studies Department, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
“Reason and Memory in Artist Performance Practice: Toward a Multicultural Epistemology”
Committee: Michael Brown, Jack Levin, Leonard Brown
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Criminal Justice Department, Boston, Massachusetts
“The Social Organizations of the Diagnosis of Alcoholism: Physicians’ Definitions and Responses to Elderly Alcoholism”
Committee:Earl Rubington, Maureen Kelleher, Craig Reinerman, and Gerald Garrett
Associate Professor, Castleton State College, Department of Sociology, Vermont
“The Meek Shall Not Inherit the Earth: Survivalism and the American Millennial Myth”
Committee: Michael Brown
Administrator, Special Needs Program, ABCD Head State Program, Brookline, Massachusetts“The 10th Isle: Assimilation Among Azorean Immigrants”