Student Resources

Student Resources
- American Sociological Association (ASA)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)
- Eastern Sociological Society
- International Sociological Association
- Society for Applied Sociology
- Association of Black Sociologists
- American Anthropological Association
- Cultural Survival
- The Royal Anthropological Institute
- Anthropology and Archeology Resources on the Internet Collection
- National Anthropological Archives
- Wenner-Gren-Funding Anthropological Research
- American Ethnological Association
- USA People Search
- Change of Advisor Form
- Course Waiver Form – This form is to be used to request a waiver of a course. Waivers typically are granted only when you have taken a course or courses with equivalent content prior to matriculating at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Ph.D. program at Northeastern University.
- Field Statement Defense Results
- Petition to Schedule Dissertation Proposal Defense – For PhD candidates to be filled out and submitted at least 3 weeks before Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Dissertation Proposal Defense Results
- Petition to Schedule Dissertation Defense – For PhD candidates to be filled out and submitted at least 3 weeks before Dissertation Defense
- Directed Study and Readings Contract Form– For graduate students interested in a directed study. Please talk with your instructor and include reading lists, required assignments, and how the course will be evaluated on a separate sheet attached to the form.