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[MAY 8th, 2024] – Critical Theory in Crisis

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On Wednesday, May 8th, from 3:30-5 PM, join a roundtable discussion with Robin Celikates, Sally Haslanger, and Patricia Williams.
Located at Renaissance Park 909.

The Northeastern Department of Philosophy and Religion is hosting a talk about the current state of critical theory. Robin Celikates (Freie Universität Berlin, currently visiting MIT), a prominent figure of the Frankfurt School of critical theory’s fourth generation, will join Sally Haslanger (MIT), a feminist philosopher who works at the intersection of analytic metaphysics, epistemology, and critical theory, and Patricia Williams (Northeastern), legal scholar and pioneer of Critical Race Theory, for a roundtable entitled “Critical Theory in Crisis.” The event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow. Don’t miss this!

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