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“Salus Populi”: Educating judges on social determinants of health (Feat. Professors Wendy Parmet and Alisa Lincoln)

A recent article by the Northeastern Global News features a collaboration between the university’s Center for Health Policy and Law, and the Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research. WGSS executive committee member Professor Alisa Lincoln (Bouvé, Sociology) and WGSS affiliated faculty Professor Wendy Parmet (School of Law) provide guidance and training to judges on the social drivers of health and their relationship to judicial decision-making in their program “Salus Populi: Educating the Judiciary about the Social Determinants of Health”. Parmet and Lincoln discuss different social factors such as racism, socioeconomic status, education and more with judges, and how these factors affect people’s health. Since the decisions Judges make are so influential in the peoples’ health, they are in a unique position to have a significant impact on health equity. Bringing their unique interdisciplinary perspectives, they discuss the importance of such programs in broadening judges’ perspectives on what effects peoples’ health.

Read more about Professors Lincoln and Parmet’s work and the Salus Populi project in the Northeastern Global News article here!

Photo credit: Northeastern Global News

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