
The Department of Economics is located in 301 Lake Hall.
Lake Hall is connected to Nightingale, Holmes and Meserve.
For your convenience, please use any of the following entrances:
Nightingale Hall Entrance: From Nightingale Hall (105 Forsyth St.): Take the elevator or stairs up to the 3rd floor (3S on the elevator). Proceed all the way down the Lake hallway until you reach the main office, 301 Lake Hall.
Lake Hall Entrance: From Lake Hall (43 Leon St.): Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. 301 Lake Hall will be on your right.
Accessible Entrance: Just down the street from 43 Leon St., there is an ADA Entrance at 37 Leon St. (Meserve Hall). Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Travel through the Holmes hallway until you reach 301 Lake Hall.
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
301 Lake Hall
Boston, MA 02115-5000
phone: 617.373.2882
fax: 617.373.3640
email: (undergrad and general inquiries) (graduate inquiries)