If you would like more information about the DITI, please email nulab@northeastern.edu.
Follow the NULab team on Mastodon if you’d like to hear what we are up to. Or, subscribe to the NUDIGITAL list.
If you are interested in learning more about digital and computational pedagogies, a faculty member or student whose class DITI has visited, or want to learn more about the topics that the DITI team has expertise in, please complete this form to book a virtual appointment with a member of the DITI team. We will get back within a week to schedule an appointment. You can email nulab.info@gmail.com with questions or more-time sensitive requests.
Type of Program
- Graduate Program
- Undergraduate Program
Links and resources
- Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Faculty Partnership Guidelines
- Sample Course Modules
- Available DITI Tools
- GitHub Repository
- Sample Student Work
- Glossary of Terms
- Call for Partnerships
- Data Considerations
- Teaching Resources
- Digital Toolkit for Community Projects
- Sample Faculty Teaching Materials