The NULab and the Digital Integration Teaching Initiative publish a wide range of resources that can be adapted for classrooms and used in independent learning. Below are some of the tutorials, handouts, asynchronous modules, and other resources for learning new digital and computational methods. We welcome sharing, adaptation, and reuse of these materials!
Canvas Modules
The DITI has developed several template Canvas modules that Northeastern faculty and graduate students can freely download and integrate into their courses. The full collection of DITI materials is accessible via Canvas Commons; if you would like to access our modules, but are not able to, contact the DITI Team and we will assist you. DITI Canvas modules are designed to be imported into Canvas courses and can be adapted to suit specific class needs. Some popular modules include introductions to Omeka, Wix, WordPress, Audacity, and Knight Lab StoryMap. See the DITI Canvas modules page for a full list of template modules and more detailed instructions on accessing these resources.
Slides and Handouts
The DITI module slides and handouts are useful resources that you can either reproduce or repurpose for your course. Each slideset introduces a digital proficiency and provides step-by-step instruction with screenshots, videos, suggested discussion board topics, and reference materials. The handouts likewise supply a range of information, from installment instructions, to synthesized introductions to the digital tools, to accessibility considerations, to additional learning activities. Here are a few examples of some of our most popular modules:
- Knightlab StoryMap: Slides, Handout
- Audio Editing and Podcasting: Slides, Handout
- Intro to Computational Text Analysis: Slides, Handout
- Data Ethics: Slides, Handout
- Accessibility: Handout
- Copyright and fair use: Handout
Resources for Research and Teaching:
The NULab curates an extensive collection of datasets, tools, articles, code, and tutorials, including materials for research, classwork, coding practice, and teaching. These resources include datasets in a range of formats, as well as collections of tutorials and guides on text analysis, GIS and visualization, network science, and digital project development. The materials collected here provide useful starting points for many different digital humanities and computational social science methods.
Learn more
In addition to these always-available digital resources, the DITI team also holds calls for partnerships twice each year, inviting social science and humanities faculty at Northeastern to collaborate with us for customized class workshops. See our faculty partnership guidelines for more information on the CFP process and timelines. Our modules page includes links for sample class materials in a range of methods and disciplines, example student work, and a link to the full list of module materials that the DITI team has developed since our launch in 2018.
Northeastern faculty and students can fill out this form to request a consultation with the DITI team, or see our contact page for more on getting in touch with the NULab and DITI.
We hope you find these resources useful for teaching and learning in computational social science and digital humanities!
Type of Program
- Graduate Program
- Undergraduate Program
Links and resources
- Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Faculty Partnership Guidelines
- Sample Course Modules
- Available DITI Tools
- GitHub Repository
- Sample Student Work
- Glossary of Terms
- Call for Partnerships
- Data Considerations
- Teaching Resources
- Digital Toolkit for Community Projects
- Sample Faculty Teaching Materials