Students in SCCJ Professor Jacob Stowell’s mapping class worked on a research project throughout the semester, culminating in presentation at Northeastern’s GIS Day Conference. GIS Day, or Geographic Information System day, showcases digital story maps and posters created by Northeastern University community, including students, staff, and alumni. More than just a means of creating maps, GIS is a powerful tool for revealing and examining how geographic relationships affect the world around us.
Four of Professor Stowell’s students, Emily Bui, Sophia Castillo, Kexin Cui, and Kara McArdle, were awarded third place at the conference for their group’s presentation, voted on by participants and attendees of the event. There were over a dozen projects presented and this group finished ahead of more experienced researchers. Their presentation was also the only project that considered crime.
Congratulations Emily, Sophia, Kexin and Kara!