The Department of Economics offers two traditional economics degrees. The B.A. degree in economics is broadly-based in the liberal arts. It incorporates the core of the economics discipline with the liberal arts, including a foreign language. The B.S. degree is somewhat more focused on the field of economics as an applied field of study. Both are excellent preparation for graduate work in law, business and public policy and for obtaining employment upon graduation. When completed in conjunction with a minor in mathematics both traditional majors provide students with a fine preparation for graduate work in economics.
Both the B.S. and the B.A. dergrees in economics are STEM certified covering a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. The IPEDS classification: Detail for CIP Code 45.0603 Title: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics.
For those interested in eventually earning a Ph.D. in economics, a double major in economics and mathematics or the combined economics-mathematics B.S. degree offered in conjunction with the Department of Mathematics would be excellent preparation.
The detailed requirements for all our majors and the minor can found in the Northeastern University Undergraduate Catalog.
Type of Program
- Undergraduate