Theodore Gray
China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications on Global Geopolitics and Trade
Theodore Gray is a rising 3rd-year student from Ipswich, Massachusetts, studying International Affairs and Economics. Growing up in a historical town naturally drove Theodore’s interests towards government and social issues. His interest in International Affairs was first piqued by spending the summer before high school in Beijing, where he witnessed the Trade War with the United States from a non-American perspective, realizing the complexity and importance of international relations and its direct intersection with trade and economics. China, as the rising preeminent global actor, has remained of particular academic interest to Theodore, and his other interests center on development economics and social justice in global trade. Outside of class, Theodore enjoys socializing with his peers, engaging with his campus community, and spending time outdoors, particularly on the water. Theodore will be co-oping this fall in the Consumer Advocacy and Response Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.