Q & A Information for MS Program
for Incoming Students, Deferred Students and Undecided Admits
We know that we are in trying and uncertain times. To help alleviate some of the stress of the unknown, assist you with the transition of becoming a first year student, clear up any lasting confusion some of you may still have, answer questions that may have up until now gone unanswered, and last but not least, help some of you to decide whether Northeastern University and the Department of Economics MS Program should both be your university and program of choice. We will be holding an Economics Q & A information Session on August 31st at 8:00 AM ET.
Monday, August 31 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m ET
The Q & A will speak to the following topics:
To learn more about the Economics Master of Science Program and to assist you in making better-informed decisions.
What courses should I take for the Fall 2020 semester?
What is NUflex and can I study from abroad in the fall semester?
Should I defer or should I register for the Fall 2020 semester?
What will it mean for my Co-op, OPT/CPT?
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