Watch Party every other Thursday @ 7PM EST
tarting at the beginning of the Spring 2021 semester, we will be having a biweekly show watching. We will get together and watch episodes of the first season of “Casa De Papel”, followed by a discussion on the episode. We will be watching the show in Spanish, with subtitles available. If you miss a meeting, feel free to watch the episode on your own to catch-up! The show is available on Netflix, and the episode watch dates are listed below.
When: Every other Thursday at 7pm EST
– 2/11 [Episode 1: “Efectuar lo acordado”]
– 2/25 [Episode 2: “Imprudencias letales”]
– 3/11 [Episode 3: “Errar al disparar”]
– 3/25 [Episode 4: “Caballo de Troya”]
– 4/08 [Episode 5: “El día de la marmota”]
– 4/22 [Episode 6: “La cálida Guerra Fría”]
February 11 & 25, March 11 & 25, April 8 & 22, 2021, join on Zoom

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