Professor Thomas Barnay is the co-editor of a special issue of the Revue Economique Journal, one of the leading French economic reviews.
The Revue économique has been publishing original research in theoretical and applied economics since 1950. It is a general interest journal open to all schools of thought in the discipline, with a target audience of teachers, researchers, students and professional economists in public administration, financial institutions and entities. The Revue économique welcomes the contributions of other social sciences and publishes six issues per year: three special issues and three contribution-based issues, with an occasional additional special issue. The Revue économique is published bimonthly by the Presses de Sciences Po with the support of Centre national de la recherche scientifique, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Fondation nationale des sciences politiques.
As Vice-President of the French Health Economics Association, Thomas Barnay organizes the annual French Congress of Health Economics. This special issue, Recent Progress in Health Economics, is a selection of papers presented during the 43th Conference of the French Health Economists (2021).