Title: Innovative Frameworks for Urban Water Security: Bridging Gaps in Planning, Management, and Governance
Title: No Country for Large Families: The Construction and Continuation of the Two-Child Norm in India
Title: The Circular Economy Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Global Analysis of the Role of Waste Proliferation and Climate Change Resilience
Title: The Financial Motives and Legal Responsibilities of Landlords: Using Urban Informatics to Model Landlords’ Management Strategies
Title: Protests Over Power: The Intermediate Dispossession Regime of UMPPs in India- Case of Telaiya UMPP in Jharkhand
Title: Environmental Justice Policy in the United States: Community Definition and Benefits Allocation in Underserved and Overburdened Communities
Title: Antecedents and consequences of penalties imposed by the Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program and the Medicare Value Based Purchasing Program for hospitals generally and safety net hospitals in particular
Title: Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities: Co-Created Science-to-Civics to Facilitate Equitable Climate Resilience Planning
Title: Towards Algorithmic City Planning: Data-driven indicators for policies and planning
Title: Disaster Resilience through the Lens of Administrative and Social Media Data: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Title: Entrepreneurship, Innovation And Regional Economic Development: Spatial Variations And Empirical Analyses Of Firm Formation, Small Business Innovation And Income Inequality
Title: Examining the Implementation of Open Government Data in United States at Municipality Levels
Type of Program
- PhD Program
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PhD Program Administrator
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