Dating from the period of the ancient Etruscans and Romans and including the magnificence of the great masters of the Renaissance and Baroque (Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bernini), Italy possesses one of the world’s most important artistic and historical patrimonies. UNESCO estimates that over 60% of the entire world’s art treasures are in Italy!
Italy is also a country of business, international organizations and innovation. It has the eighth largest economy in the world and is a leader in high-end crafted products that carry the prestigious Made in Italy label. It is famous for its food products and slow food culinary traditions, clothing, eyewear, high-end design, automobiles, electronics and more. Milan is a world capital of fashion and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has its headquarters in Rome. An estimated 7,500 American companies do business with Italy and more than 1,000 U.S. firms have offices there.
Do you want to be a true global citizen with a deep knowledge of a foreign language and culture, have the opportunity to study or work abroad, gain skills for work in an international context, and eat great pasta all at the same time? Sign up for Italian. You won’t regret it.
Type of Program
- Undergraduate Minor