Germany is the world’s second-largest exporter.
The German economy ranks #1 in Europe and #4 worldwide.
Germany is home to numerous international corporations.
Direct investment by Germany in the United States is over 10 billion dollars.
22 Nobel Prizes in Physics, 30 in Chemistry, and 25 in Medicine have gone to
scientists from the three major German-speaking countries, while many laureates
from other countries received their training in German universities.
Germans are world leaders in engineering.
German is the second most commonly used scientific language in the world.
The German-speaking world has produced some of the most revered filmmakers of
the 20th century – from Fritz Lang to Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Wim Wenders and a
new generation of transnational directors such as Tom Tykwer and Fatih Akin.
German is the language of Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, and Kafka, of Mann, Brecht, and
Grass. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Schubert, Brahms, Schumann, Wagner, Mahler,
and Schoenberg spoke and wrote German, as did Freud, Weber, Einstein, and
Heisenberg, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger.
Type of Program
- Undergraduate Minor