It is estimated that Spanish is spoken by over 572 million people of which 477 million people are native speakers.
In its annual report, Spanish in the World of 2017, the language and culture institute found that the number of Spanish native speakers jumped by 5 million between 2016 and 2017.
Roughly 53 million people, 41 million native Spanish speakers, and approximately 11.6 million bilingual Spanish Speakers live in the United States.
An estimated 41 million US residents, or 13.4% of the population, speak Spanish at home.
It is estimated the Hispanic community will increase by 24 percent in 2050 in the United States.
Spanish is the primary language of 20 countries worldwide.
It is the second most widely spoken language in the world in terms of native speakers.
Latin American countries are our most important trading partners. Cultural awareness is essential when dealing with Latin and Spanish commerce.
You will stand out in a competitive job market. Being able to speak Spanish greatly enhances your resume. If you are bilingual, you are even more competitive in the workplace.
Americans who plan on working domestically in law, social services or in business can truly stand out by being proficient in Spanish.
You will improve your cognitive skills and keep your brain healthy and young by learning another language.
You will have more opportunities for discovery while on vacation if you speak Spanish.
National Hispanic Honors Society
In Spring 2019, we installed a local chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Hispanic Honors Society at Northeastern.
Type of Program
- Undergraduate Minor